Living with Birds Autumn Inspiration

Autumn inspiration

As the colder months slowly creep in and Autumn takes hold, there's much change happening in our gardens, although they may seem noticeably quieter. Birds are in their final stages of moulting. Some species will be gearing up to leave for warmer climates, whilst others flock together for safety and warmth in numbers. 

While natural resources remain bountiful, coal tits, woodpeckers, and crafty squirrels will begin hoarding food items in crevices, tree trunks, and hidey-holes, in preparation for tougher times ahead. Garden visitors of the quilled variety will be gorging on insects and earthworms, working hard to fatten up before a long winter’s sleep - while also searching for a suitable home.

Now is the perfect time to get your garden winter-ready, to help wildlife through the challenging winter months.

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