Is it the nutty aroma? Or is it the wholesome goodness of Flutter Butter® food that birds find irresistible? Slip a fresh-wrap EcoRefill into the bird feeder and give birds instant access to the ever-popular no-salt peanut butter for birds.
It's easy to serve, super versatile, and irresistible to birds. Flutter Butter® peanut butter for birds is a birdfeeding game-changer. High in nutrients and low in salt, our specially blended peanut butter gives birds just what they need, all year round.
Includes the best-selling Flutter Butter® bird feeder with hanging chain plus two 140g Flutter Butter® EcoRefills.
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*prices with FoodClub™ 5% discount. Learn more >
At first you’ll see small birds coming and going- like blue tits, great tits, robins and nuthatches. In time you may well also attract large birds like the magnificent great spotted woodpecker. And don’t be disappointed to see starlings, too: these striking and gregarious birds are on the ‘red list’ of endangered species and need help in our gardens more than ever.
A quiet position for your feeder is always best. If you can, place it near a tree or hedge where birds can dive for cover whenever they feel unsafe. Open space around the feeder will let birds spot danger, and keep a safe distance from places where a cat might be lurking. Birds will come quicker if you hang it near to others that are already in use and look familiar.
Take your time. Birds will be cautious about a new feeder. If they still haven’t come after two or three weeks, you might need to try somewhere quieter. Every garden is different, so keep a watch out to see where birds appear most often and where they seem safest; these will be good places to hang your feeder. The seasons are different, too: in late summer birds avoid feeders while hiding their annual moult, and in early autumn they're often absent when the new crop of seeds and fruits gives them enough to eat.
Flutter Butter® is nutritious and full of calories, just like the peanut butter you spread on your toast. There’s protein for good health and loads of fat for energy and keeping warm. Plus it’s exceptionally low in salt to be safe for birds. Use it all year round, but away from direct sunlight in warm weather. avoid feeders while hiding during their annual moult, and in early autumn they’re often absent when the new crop of seeds and fruits gives them enough to eat.
Birds love peanut butter. But what’s great on your toast is bad for birds - ordinary peanut butter has too much salt. Rich, nutritious Flutter Butter is naturally low in salt. It gives a body-building boost that’s welcomed by garden birds throughout the seasons.
Flutter Butter is a peanut butter specially made for feeding garden birds. Blending rendered beef suet with peanut pieces, peanut paste, and cereal grains, it is exceptionally high in fat and protein, but naturally low in salt. Available in jars, pods, or EcoRefills, Flutter Butter is easy to feed and a great source of energy for birds all year round.
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