Not all birds are the same, and softbilled species like robins, song thrushes, and blackbirds have specific feeding needs. These birds struggle to crack open tough seed husks and prefer softer, protein-rich options. Many softbills also avoid tubular feeders, choosing instead to forage on the ground.
Our specially blended I Love Robins® food is the ultimate food for robins, offering a mix of soft, nutritious ingredients tailored to their diet. Pairing this robin feed with a ground feeding tray or an appropriate feeder will increase your chances of attracting robins and other softbills to your garden. For an extra treat, Live mealworms are an unbeatable source of easily digestible protein and remain a year-round favorite for robins. By offering food for robins and setting up the right feeding station, you can attract these birds to your garden.
from £5.99
from £7.90
Robins, blackbirds and song thrushes aren’t big seed eaters. Here’s a specially tailored blend that includes peanut granules, sultanas and sunflower hearts, with no husks that softbills struggle to open.
from £14.50
Our Dried Mealworms are easier to store than live mealworms, so much more ideal for anyone who's squeamish about handling live foods.
from £4.49
from £10.60
The I Love Robins hanging treat dish provides plenty of room for birds to perch and feed in comfort. Simply find a quiet spot in the garden and hang the dish from a branch or hook.
from £14.99
Turn dish in place to prevent lifting or tipping & Durable polycarbonate resists cracking and yellowing. Suitable for ground or bird table placement so great for birdtabe mix birdfood, I Love Robins® and serving mealworms.
from £12.99
from £28.99
The dome height adjusts in an instant, allowing easy access for smaller species like tits, robins, sparrows and finches while deterring pigeons and other big birds. Great for I Love Robins® and serving mealworms.
from £14.99
Durable polycarbonate for a clear view of feeding birds with powerful suction cups leave no marks on glass. Optional Feeder Fixer for wall mounting.
from £19.99
Fill the clear, sturdy tray with I Love Robins® food, seeds and blends or mealworms and get ready to enjoy the show. Treat Tray clings to any window and removes easily. It’s made in tough polycarbonate that won’t crack or discolour.
from £6.99
from £14.99
What is the best bird food for robins?
Robins thrive on high-energy, nutrient-rich foods such as mealworms, soft fruit, and specially formulated mixes like I Love Robins®. This foods complements their natural diet, keeping them healthy and energised.
What feeders are suitable for robins?
Robins prefer open feeders or ground feeding trays, where they can perch comfortably while accessing their food. Ensure the feeding area is safe from predators and kept clean and hygienic for your birds.
What feeders are suitable for robins?
Robins prefer open feeders or ground feeding trays, where they can perch comfortably while accessing their food. Ensure the feeding area is safe from predators and kept clean and hygienic for your birds.
Is food for robins suitable for other garden birds?
Many birds, including blackbirds, song thrushes and dunnocks also enjoy robin food mixes. These foods cater to species with similar feeding preferences.
Store robin food in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture, to keep it fresh and free from pests. Proper storage ensures the food remains nutritious and safe.
Mealworms are an excellent source of insect protein, essential for many bird species, including robins. Insects can be hard to find naturally, so mealworms provide a clean, convenient alternative that’s perfect as a food for robins. These insect treats are also loved by blackbirds, song thrushes, and starlings.
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