This beautifully-judged combination of our two best-loved Special Mix™ bird food varieties strikes the perfect nutritional balance for garden birds. Alongside black sunflower seeds - whole and de-husked - you'll find striped sunflower seeds, peanut granules and more.
Easy handling
Our Special Mix™ bird food blends are available in both 4kg handy bags and 12.55kg sacks. None of our sacks weigh more than 12.55kgs, making them easy to store and safe to carry.
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*prices with FoodClub™ 5% discount. Learn more >
These shiny, thin-skinned seeds are a true feast for birds. Every 100g contains 20g of carbohydrate, 20g of protein and a huge 50g of highly calorific fat. Stripped of their husks, sunflower hearts are even easier for birds to handle, with the bonus of leaving no mess beneath your feeders. A rarer sighting in cheap blends, we don’t stint on these super seeds in Special Mix™.
Part of the pea and bean family, these are legumes rather than nuts. Peanut Granules are an extremely valuable source of nutrition, with every 100g containing 20g of carbs, 25g of body-building protein and almost 50g of fat. Peanuts are a star ingredient in Special Mix™, featured in granular form that’s easier and safer for younger birds and adults to manage.
This breakfast cereal staple serves as a cheap filler in many budget bird food blends, where its bulk disguises meagre energy levels. You won’t find it in Special Mix™, where our focus is firmly on nutritious, high-energy ingredients that help birds make best use of limited foraging time, especially in the winter months.
Birds discard indigestible seed husks, leaving their unsightly throw-aways beneath your feeder. This husk-free blend saves you the chore of regular clear-ups. It’s extremely efficient from a nutritional perspective, too, since absolutely nothing’s wasted.
Use it anywhere, any time and in any garden. Our classic free-flowing blend is equally suitable for tubular bird feeders, bird tables and dishes. The inclusion of seed husks helps protect against rain and humidity, a common cause of clogged-up feeder ports.
This beautifully judged combination of our two best-loved Special Mix™ varieties strikes the perfect nutritional balance for birds. Alongside black sunflower seeds – whole and de-husked – you’ll find striped sunflower seeds, peanut granules and more.
Wheat provides very little nutrition in comparison to other foods such as sunflower seeds. Therefore, it is mainly used as a filler in cheaper bird foods. Many birds will simply discard it, which may lead to pests being attracted to your garden. Choose high quality seed mixes to give the birds the nutrition that they need.
Sunflower hearts are simply the central part of a sunflower seed, with the outer shell removed. These are great for birds who struggle to open shells with their beaks.
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