Living with Birds Single Food Favourites

Pure & Honest

Our single-ingredient wildlife foods strip quality feeding back to its bare essentials. Offer them just as they are, or experiment with adding them as a supplement to your usual garden menu.

Sunflower Heartsessential jars collection sh
  • A valuable source of nutrition
  • Suitable for feeders, and tables or ground in dry weather

from £14.60

Black Sunflower Seedsessential jars collection bs
  • Ideal for year-round feeding with little or no waste
  • Suitable for feeders, tables or ground feeding

from £11.70

Niger Seedessential jars collection ns
  • Rather like dainty versions of black sunflower seeds
  • Oil-rich and nutritious

from £2.20

Sultanasessential jars collection st
  • The popular wildlife fruit boost
  • Badgers are particularly keen consumers

from £2.50

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