Easily fixed under eaves, the nest bowl is made of weatherproof WoodcretePLUS™. The backing board is made of exterior grade chipboard to prevent warping and can be painted to match the building.
Nest slides out for inspection and cleaning if desired.
It is increasingly difficult for Swallows and House Martins to find suitable nest-building material in our modern world. The mud they do find, if any, is often poor quality. In addition, the walls of buildings are nowadays often very smooth. As a result, nests tend to fall down, sometimes with the nestlings inside. In many places, the vibration caused by heavy vehicles shakes the nests loose. Our SCHWEGLER Nests, made of woodcrete with a 75% wood content, are far superior to natural nests and are a direct way to help Barn Swallows and House Martins. A variety of models is available for different locations and species. In many regions the entire Swallow population depends on artificial nesting aids. Swallows are popular Birds and are regarded as the bringers of good luck. They feed on flying Insects such as swarms of Greenfly, Crane Flies, Mosquitoes and Houseflies.
They prefer to hunt in the immediate vincinity of their nesting sites.
Material: Bowl-shaped nest made of air-permeable woodcrete and a backing board made of exterior grade, formaldehyde-free chipboard to prevent warping.
Double nest: House Martins are very sociable and will more readily use nests that are arranged in pairs. Can be installed in groups to form large colonies.
Siting: Under eaves on the external walls of buildings. House Martins never nest inside buildings. Install on the sheltered side of the building.
Height above ground: Minimum height 2 m.
Period of occupancy: From middle/end of April to middle/end of September.
Breeding period: Eggs are laid from early/middle May until August. The Birds raise one or two broods each year.
Distribution: Europe, North Africa, parts of Asia. In Europe they regularly breed at altitudes up to 2,000 m above sea level.
Cleaning: Can be used for years without cleaning. However, if possible it is advisable to inspect the nests frequently and to clean them if necessary.
Dimensions: 46W cm x 11H cm x 14D cm.
Weight: approx. 2.9 kg.
Includes: Angled board with two nesting bowls.
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