Our long-lasting new suet feeder manages the trick of blending practical design with bold and pleasing looks.
The tough steel cage holds up to two regular-sized suet cakes or six fat balls, cutting the need for regular refill trips. Replenishing supplies takes moments with an easy-open lid.
Fat balls are made from suet, a type of animal fat, and other common bird foods such as seeds. They provide lots of energy for birds, so are particularly great during the colder months. However, they make a great meal for birds all year round!
Hang your suet feeder in a location that is easily accessible for birds but safe from predators. Ideal spots include tree branches, hooks, or bird feeder poles.
A suet feeder is a specially designed holder for suet cakes or fat balls, made from durable metal mesh, these feeders allow birds to cling to the sides while they peck at the suet.
To attract birds to a suet feeder, start by placing it in a visible location that birds are likely to visit. You can also hang your premium suet feeder near bird baths or other feeders that your birds frequent to help them feed from your suet holders.
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