Living with Birds What a Week! Tweetapedia

What a Week!

April 27th, 2024
1 minute read

Peer out of your kitchen window and wonder for a moment what the view was like a thousand years ago.

Chances are you'd have seen trees - everywhere. Trees mean holes, and holes mean homes for birds. Now they're gone, it's up to us to fix this housing shortage.

That's what National Nestbox Week is all about. It's Britain's official campaign to create more homes for birds, and I'm delighted to be its spokesman.

a nest of great tits in a nestbox

Please help me spread the work. Tell everyone about - the destination for friendly advice on building, buying and caring for nestboxes. You'll find expert answers to popular questions, plus the chance to ask us your own. 

And while you're visiting the website, do take a minute to enter the Nestbox Census. You'll help us build a clear picture of how many nestboxes there are in Britain's gardens... and there's the chance to win £100 of Living with Birds vouchers for your support.

With your help we can make the home for everything nestbox - and make more homes for Britain's birds.

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